50 Days of Monk Mode – A Review

50 days ago I was tired, fed up, and ready for a change of routine, and structure.

Despite being fortunate enough to travel the world full time, please note NOT LUCKY, I needed to change up something in my daily routine and life.

Since that day, Monday 27th Feb 2023, it’s been 50 days.

What’s changed?

A lot, but also not a lot. I’m here to write down my thoughts, my feelings, and whether I think entering Monk Mode was a good, or a bad, choice.

What’s changed during the first 50 days?

There were three pillars to Monk Mode.

Write. Create. Run.

I’ve written. A lot.

I’ve enjoyed it, and I feel like I’ve finally caught up on some of the things I have wanted to write about for a long time. It feels good to have had a list of hikes, articles, and things I wanted to share ticked off of the list.

I suspect I’ve written 40-50,000 words in the last 50 days. Understanding more about writing, SEO, and in general just becoming more aware of how to be engaging.

Running has been good. Despite having a knee made out of chocolate, it’s not actually been too bad to get in a minimum of 1 mile per day. Admittedly, most days have only been a mile, with the longest run being 3 miles.

For the most part of Monk Mode, I was running in Vietnam. Running in 30-degree heat is fun for no one, so the mile a day was more than enough during that time. Over the next 40 days, and the finale of Monk Mode, I would like to put some more miles into the legs and see what small, repeated daily miles will have done for my overall fitness and health.

Creating videos has been the hardest out of the three main pillars.

More so with my mindset around the reason for creation, I guess. Looking for metrics of likes, views, shares, etc. Is absolutely the wrong way to see videos, but it’s the only metric to track in order for it to be a successful piece or not.

Trying to remember, I am creating for the process, and to be more of a ‘creative’ person, and not necessarily for the short-term metrics to be increased.

Has Monk Mode been worth it?

If I am honest, being 50 days deep and ticking the three boxes every single day hasn’t been too difficult.

Sure, there have been days where I could have easily not gone for a run. Not written and instead gone out for dinner, etc. But I am more proud of the streak I have been on and the discipline it has created.

That to me is what Monk Mode was all about.

It really wasn’t about becoming a better writer.

It really wasn’t about becoming a better creator.

It really wasn’t about becoming a runner.

It was always to become someone who was disciplined, driven, and did exactly what he said he would do.

Safe in the knowledge, and with enough evidence collected, I am now that person.

For me, focusing more on ticking the boxes and not putting up a zero is what goals are all about. It doesn’t matter what they are. It matters that you show up to them when you need to, and give them enough time to be able to give you supporting data, and evidence, that you’re the person you want to become.

Personally, this was absolutely the wrong time to dive into Monk Mode.

But it’s given me so many insights, so many lessons and so much evidence to take away for the next time I fancy entering a creative state.

One can only imagine the impact Monk Mode could have if I had a more structured and routined life. It excites me that one day this could be the prospect, and what it could potentially lead to given all variables are fixed (Same house, same bed, same gym, same nutrition, etc).

If you’re thinking about starting your own Monk Mode, or a period of focusing on one particular thing. Keep reading and I’ll share some tips I think would have been helpful for me to have before entering Monk Mode 1.0

3 Tips for your own Monk Mode

If you’re thinking of excelling at one aspect of your life or doubling down on something you’re already doing. Entering your own version of Monk Mode could be a good thing. Building a steak of ticks, doing the daily work, and leading to an end result is always a good accountability tool.

Don’t create overhwhelm

When I first heard of Monk Mode, it was so overwhelming that I decided it wasn’t for me.

Eat a strict diet, workout every day, wake up at 6 AM, do daily yoga, go to sleep early, and read a book.

You get the idea.

There are a lot of moving parts, and it can be hard to get momentum going to create motivation to actually be able to do all of those things.

Instead, pick between 2-5 things you KNOW you can do every day, and just commit to those instead.

Make 1-2 of the tasks you know create some discomfort, but you have been putting off for a while.

Make 1-2 beneficial for your health and your well-being.

Make 1-2 of your tasks about creativity and learning something new.

Then, write down what you need to do daily.

And do it.

Find a routine, and find it early.

The most difficult thing for me has been the lack of routine and mostly doing things later on in the evening.

Most of the time sacrificing some sleep to get tasks ticked off.

If you can get things done early, do so.

It’s SO much more beneficial to get them out the way early, and it helps create momentum for the day.

When I finally do Monk Mode 2.0 I’ll have it as a none negotiable to do all of my tasks in the morning, otherwise I lose my streak. Thus, having to start again.

Create some accountability

How many times have you said you’ll do something, and then not done it?

Yeah, me too.

That is where accountability comes in.

Drag a few friends along with you. Find a coach. Announce it on Social Media. Tell your family.

Whatever it is, just let others know.

This isn’t for them to ask how you’re getting on. BUT, a serious motivation too in getting the work done in fear, or worry, others will ask.

This was one of my motivations behind travel.

When a friend asked me, “I thought you were going to Norway?”

After months of me saying I was going to go to Norway.

I decided it was time to stop talking shit and actually do it.

Announcing your Monk Mode, your goals, and your plans, is a good way to future bet on yourself to get the work done.

Finishing out Monk Mode..

50 days deep, means 40 days to go.

90 days is a long time, but also not a long time and if it goes as quickly as the first 50 days have gone, then this will all be over before we know it.

See you on day 90 for a full review of Monk Mode.

Let me know in the comments below if you fancy Monk Mode yourself, and maybe we could time it, partner up, and double down.

You in?

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