Leaving the UK – Weekly 002

This is a week I’ve been dreading and looking forward too in equal parts. The final week in the UK but unfortunately, the final week with my little doggo, Gem.

The response and feedback from the first edition of “The Weekly” have been better than I could have imagined and I am so grateful for those that took the time out of their day to read it. Here’s week two and another one ticked off of the 52 for the year.

This one a big one for many reasons.

My week in numbers:

  • 7 days of 10k steps (14-day streak)
  • 5 Workouts
  • 84,000 total steps
  • 7 days of consecutive reading
  • 7 days of calories tracked
  • 3 Articles are written
  • 2 Bags packed ready to leave the UK

Let’s talk about motivation for a second. For the first time in many years, I’m feeling positive, and I’ve worked out more in the last two weeks than I did for 6 months of last year. But how did I become so motivated? But not just that I’m getting rid of habits I’ve had for years and all of a sudden replacing them with positive and productive habits instead.

I don’t really believe motivation can be given, nor will you wake up one Monday morning and all of a sudden be ready to rock and roll with all the things you say you will do. No. I believe motivation is created and it is something that you need to actively work towards before you can feel it and harness its benefits. How?


For me, this comes in the form of daily goals that I want to accomplish every day. Knowing that when I check that box off when they’re done, it’s going to make me feel good. That’s what I am chasing. But now after doing 6 things a day for the last 14 days, that’s 84 wins so far, it’s all about momentum. Not wanting to go into another day before crossing the box on the previous day.

You can do similar and I truly believe it’s the easiest way to build motivation, by creating some form of momentum. Work out the outcomes you want to happen and work backwards from there.

  • Do you want to get fitter and complete a race or climb a mountain?
  • Do you want to lose 20-28lbs in the next 6 months?

Once you’ve got your outcomes you need to figure out what it is you need to do daily in order for those things to happen. For both of the above, tracking your calories, doing your workouts and doing your steps are going to be the actions best suited to that outcome.

Set the action points so small and easy that its, at first, easy to cross the box and move on to the next.

Currently, doing 5000 steps a day? Do 6000 every day for a week.

Currently, working out twice per week? Do three this week. 


Make them so simple, that they’re hard to fail.

This week has been an odd one, leaving the country is always a daunting but exciting task. But leaving alone is a different beast. With no real idea what I want to do, or where I want my life to take me, I booked a one-way ticket to South Africa. I leave this Thursday.

With the goal date set I’ve been working away setting up everything I need to make the transition as smooth and as easy as possible. But typical Lou, I only finished packing my bag this morning, 15 minutes before my train to London.

In fairness, it’s been a super productive week. I managed to write the weekly, write two articles for a personal training company, meet up with old friends, say some goodbyes, sell half of my belongings and wait in for Amazon Prime deliveries. 

Making the move

I’m sure it’s something you’re probably wondering, why South Africa?

Well for one, it’s hot and there’s lots of sunshine. It’s Africa after all! That being said though making the move was an easy choice as it’s always the same when I get back after some travel. I get back into the same habits, the same old routine and the feeling of unproductiveness and nothing good comes out of being home. Apart from seeing my doggo, I guess.

I’m in a very fortunate position where I have work that is online based and I don’t have any in-person commitments that tie me to one place or one location. I’m very grateful for this and don’t want to sleep on this opportunity to move around and find something that can stick.

I’ve two friends, Russ and Rebecca, who are kindly hosting me for the first part of my South African adventure. And after that? I’m not quite sure what I want to do or where I want to be.

For me, this chapter of my life is about focusing on my business, both coaching and this blog, myself, training, reading and writing. It’s about reinforcing good habits and routines that make me more productive and ultimately, happy. 

For those of you wondering and asking, what’s the plan? I don’t have one and as much as that scares some of you, it actually excites me. The unknown can be a scary place but having trust and belief in everything turning out OK and it’s a great place to be.

So here’s to flying to South Africa with two backpacks, a laptop, my bank cards, a head full of dreams and a notebook full of ideas.

For those of you wondering my flight to South Africa leaves Thursday (16th) at 8PM.

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2 Replies to “Leaving the UK – Weekly 002”

  1. Exciting stuff! Live the sewqm Lou, lifes too short not too. But, stay safe xx

    1. Thanks for this Karen. Appreciate you following along!

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