Day 08: Norrkoping, Sweden.
Usually the blog starts with our morning, how much coffee we drank, did we or did we not lie in bed till 10AM and did we get out of Doris and on the road before midday. Today’s edition is a little different as I want to rewind to just after I pressed publish last night, about 9:30PM.
The sun is setting around 10PM here and we wanted to get out and enjoy a sunset as we haven’t purposely done so for a little while. That and because it is so light its hard to get to sleep so made some sense to get some steps in before bed, and see a sunset.
Last nights sunset was IN-CRED-I-BLE.
We watched the sky light itself on fire right in front of our eyes whilst peacefully sitting on the beach in front of the docked boats. The colours in the sky were unbelievable and was definitely worth while watching.
Plus who doesn’t love a bloody good sunset?
Back on to Monday
The morning started early, getting a bit of a habit this isn’t it? The sun shining strongly through the blinds and curtains and creating oven like heat inside of Doris.
Tempted out of bed at the smell of coffee, we dropped two cups and were on the road.
Unfortunately we’ve been experiencing a really bad smell in the van the last couple of days. Suspects could be the toilets, the drains or the black water tank. We aren’t really sure which it is but the first stop of the day was to empty the above.
All emptied and smell temporarily gone, success.
Todays agenda was to drive some of the 600km towards Stockholm so that we can be there early tomorrow morning. With a few hours under our belts, a supermarket stop and then lunch in a McDonalds car park we decided to start looking for somewhere to stay.
I think I might be enjoying Sweden a little more than Nat?
First choice was a lovely spot, up in the hills and with some great views overlooking Sweden. Unfortunately though the midges, flies and bugs were rife and it was still only 4:30PM.
We decided that we’d get another hour under our belts and get closer to Stockholm. With a small delay in traffic and a pit stop for some MORE diesel, we arrived.
Second choice was a 5 bay motorhome spot. 4 motorhomes already there, success! Oh no wait, those inconsiderate arseholes had chairs out and had parked so far, yet so close to each other that Doris wouldn’t fit. I was tempted to get out and start waving my arms, but we decided to have a crack at number 3 instead.
Third choice, wow. What. A. Spot.
Nestled right in the middle of a nature reserve with a huge lake and access to lots of trails, picnic benches, fire pits and even a jetty if you’re brave enough to head in for a swim!
This place really is beautiful. With the sun setting, the odd floating head in the water from a crazy swede and lots of trails and walking to be discovered. We headed out and got some bearings in hope to head out and capture a really beautiful sunset over the lake this evening.
Third time was a charm!
We’re only around 175KM away from Stockholm now, so we did a fair bit of driving today. We’ll spend the day exploring Stockholm tomorrow as there is lots to see and do there. Mainly we’ll do our washing though as tomorrow is day 9 and we’re in desperate need of underwear. Again!
Sweden really is a beautiful place. Having only ever been here for a day previously, it’s been a fun 24 hours driving and experiencing some of what Sweden has to offer.
Their beautiful red wooden houses, proudly flying the Swedish flag. Beautiful rolling fields alive with cows and small tractors. The endless rows of pine trees and the excitement of hopefully spotting a wild moose. I’m slowly falling in love with Sweden, which is a good job as we’ve still got around 1,600KM to drive through until we hit Norway.
Tonights camping location: Hultsbruk, Sweden. (Park4Night: Click here)
A special mention today
June 24th marks a special day for two of my favourite girls in the entire world. I say girls, I mean woman and doggo. Today is both my Mothers and my doggos, birthday!
A huge happy birthday to Mother Brierley, who I am sorry to not be there to pester and moider you to death. But sending love and hugs from Sweden. See you in 5 weeks!
An even bigger happy birthday to my little piggo, Gembino. The most loyal, loving and beautiful creature I could have ever wished. A little greyer this year as she turns 11. What a girl!